{"id":111243,"date":"2024-01-10T08:00:06","date_gmt":"2024-01-10T13:00:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/?p=111243"},"modified":"2024-01-10T11:47:18","modified_gmt":"2024-01-10T16:47:18","slug":"5-how-will-ai-fit-into-your-future","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/blog\/5-how-will-ai-fit-into-your-future\/","title":{"rendered":"#5: AI Made Me Do It \u2014 How Will AI Fit Into Your Future?"},"content":{"rendered":"

A monthly take on what\u2019s new in AI \u2014 personal stories, opinions, and inspiration from Drift\u2019s leadership team. This edition is written by Drift\u2019s VP and Head of Marketing, Emily Singer<\/a>.<\/i><\/p>\n

What\u2019s On My AI-Mind<\/h2>\n

To move forward with AI, we need to be educated on AI.<\/b> From governments to universities to movie studios to newsrooms, people all over the world are determining how AI should be developed and utilized. It’s crucial that those decision makers\u2014whether they be in boardrooms or Congressional halls\u2014truly understand how AI works and how the technology will reshape our lives. After all, who could forget the cringe-worthy 2018 Congressional hearings<\/span><\/a> in which Mark Zuckerberg was forced to explain the basic principles of the internet to our government\u2019s leaders? We\u2019re still in the dawn of AI, and it\u2019s already changing how we work and interact with each other. It\u2019s safe to assume that impact will only continue to grow, which means that we all have the responsibility to learn about and understand the technology because you can\u2019t hold people accountable to policies you don\u2019t understand.<\/p>\n

Marketers, it\u2019s your time to shine. <\/b>As the world scrambles to figure out its AI action plan, marketers are uniquely positioned to establish themselves as the leaders who determine how their companies evolve and thrive in the age of AI. The buying journey is being reshaped at breakneck speed: Buyers are not engaging with a salesperson until the last 30% of their buying journey, which means that marketers are now responsible for orchestrating the experience up until that point.<\/p>\n

But buyers\u2019 expectations for that first 70% of the buying journey have also increased. They expect experiences that are uniquely personal and allow them to engage with the buying process at their own pace, on their own time, and in their own way. ABM is no longer the gold standard of personalization. Meeting today\u2019s buyer expectations requires orchestrating experiences at the contact level and understanding what is important to them as an individual, not just to their account or company. AI is the only way to accomplish this level of individualization at scale, and it is creating both new opportunities and challenges for marketers to engage with buyers in an always-on, digital-first global marketplace.<\/p>\n

AI is here, and the time to determine how the technology fits into our future is now. It won\u2019t always be a perfect fit right away, but part of embracing AI is embracing experimentation. CMOs and marketing teams are perfectly positioned to be the proactive, informed champions of their company\u2019s AI transformation.<\/p>\n

AI lets marketers do what they do best.<\/b> The best technological advancements give us the space and time to focus on what really matters to us. While we all have different definitions of \u2018what matters,\u2019 human connection\u2014to the product, to the brand, to each other\u2014will always sit at the center of marketing. <\/span>Paradoxically, AI is a catalyst for more of these human connections. Not only does AI help marketers become more efficient by taking on manual and repetitive tasks, but it also uncovers important insights that give us a more profound understanding of our customers\u2019 needs and generates suggestions based on data to inform more emotionally resonant campaigns.<\/p>\n

AI will continue to transform marketing in ways we can\u2019t yet imagine, but as that happens, the skill sets that are uniquely human\u2014relationship building, creativity, humor, leadership, empathy\u2014will become even more valuable.<\/p>\n

GPT Made This for Me: Brainstorming an Opening Speech<\/h2>\n

As a summarization tool, GPT technology helps me streamline the writing process. I recently used ChatGPT to help me draft an opening speech for a virtual event: I asked ChatGPT to summarize the main themes from all of the event\u2019s session abstracts and build opening remarks off of them. I then used this consolidation as inspiration for what I wanted to say. ChatGPT is really good at breaking huge amounts of information down to its essential points, which is incredibly helpful during the outlining phases of writing.<\/p>\n

On a personal note, I still send out printed and hand-written Christmas cards every year. This year, I used a new printing service that required all my \u201csend to\u201d data for the envelope to be formatted in a specific table. I asked ChatGPT to take 250+ rows in Excel and reformat it for me. It completed what would have taken me hours in a matter of seconds.<\/p>\n

The Single Best Thing I\u2019ve Read About AI<\/h2>\n

I had the opportunity to listen to Geoff Colvin<\/a>, former Editor at Large for Fortune Magazine<\/a>, deliver a compelling keynote about AI\u2019s impact on the future of humanity during a software technology conference back in 2015. It was largely based on his book, “Humans are Underrated,” which to this day, remains the single best thing I\u2019ve read about AI.<\/p>\n

Curious about what other B2B BUYErs think of AI? Attend our webinar<\/span><\/a> on January 17 to find out what the analysis of over 30 million Drift conversations told us.<\/h3>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

A monthly take on what\u2019s new in AI \u2014 personal stories, opinions, and inspiration from Drift\u2019s leadership team. This edition is written by Drift\u2019s VP and Head of Marketing, Emily Singer. What\u2019s On My AI-Mind To move forward with AI, we need to be educated on AI. From governments to universities to movie studios to […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":303,"featured_media":111247,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"inline_featured_image":false},"categories":[79,42],"tags":[299,425],"acf":{"evergreen_content":false,"hide_brand_icon":false,"hero_image":{"ID":111246,"id":111246,"title":"2401 Ai Newsletter Hero - January","filename":"2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","filesize":23343,"url":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","link":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","alt":"","author":"122","description":"","caption":"","name":"wp-attachment-2401-ai-newsletter-hero-january","status":"inherit","uploaded_to":111243,"date":"2024-01-09 18:22:24","modified":"2024-01-09 18:22:24","menu_order":0,"mime_type":"image\/png","type":"image","subtype":"png","icon":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-includes\/images\/media\/default.png","width":1463,"height":1153,"sizes":{"thumbnail":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-150x150.png","thumbnail-width":150,"thumbnail-height":150,"medium":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","medium-width":1463,"medium-height":1153,"medium_large":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","medium_large-width":768,"medium_large-height":605,"large":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","large-width":1463,"large-height":1153,"1536x1536":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","1536x1536-width":1463,"1536x1536-height":1153,"2048x2048":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January.png","2048x2048-width":1463,"2048x2048-height":1153,"third_width_square":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-324x324.png","third_width_square-width":324,"third_width_square-height":324,"profile_24":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-24x24.png","profile_24-width":24,"profile_24-height":24,"profile_48":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-48x48.png","profile_48-width":48,"profile_48-height":48,"profile_96":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-96x96.png","profile_96-width":96,"profile_96-height":96,"profile_150":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-150x150.png","profile_150-width":150,"profile_150-height":150,"profile_300":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-300x300.png","profile_300-width":300,"profile_300-height":300}},"hero_image_background":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/2401-Ai-Newsletter-Hero-January-BG.png","hero_background_color":"light_grey","inject_into_header":"","include_customer_story_fields":false,"index_image":{"ID":111247,"id":111247,"title":"Cover Photo - 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A monthly take on what\u2019s new in AI \u2014 personal stories, opinions, and inspiration from Drift\u2019s leadership team. This edition is written by Drift\u2019s VP of Global Sales and Partnerships, Lee Zucker<\/a>.<\/i><\/p>\r\n\r\n

What\u2019s On My AI-Mind<\/h2>\r\n

It\u2019s no longer sexy to simply use<\/i> AI or GPT tech. <\/b>Though AI has been behind the scenes of our Netflix recommendations and Google Maps routes for years, in 2023, for the first time ever, it came to the forefront. The democratization of AI means that it\u2019s really not enough to state that your business uses AI or GPT\u2014so do your competitors, partners, and even your neighbors!<\/p>\r\n

In this new era of open access to AI tech, we need to ask ourselves: How are we uniquely harnessing this technology to enable the best experiences for our customers and for ourselves? That\u2019s<\/i> what will make AI sexy for businesses.<\/p>\r\n

Partnering with AI will propel your personal growth, not stunt it.<\/b> I\u2019ve learned that I can\u2019t waste time worrying about whether AI will replace me or my team. Instead of panicking and avoiding AI tech, I believe that now is the best time to learn as much as you possibly can about how to incorporate it into your job and into your day-to-day life. By utilizing AI as both an efficiency tool and an inspiration source for things like analyzing back-end analytics to refining marketing campaigns, you can improve your own workflows, accelerate your brainstorms, and energize your boldest and most creative ideas, which will ultimately lead to better solutions, happier customers, and more successful careers.<\/p>\r\n

By adopting AI and leveraging its full potential, my job won't disappear. If anything, new doors will be opened for me.<\/p>\r\n

In the long term, AI will lead to less frustrating experiences for all. <\/b>AI and GPT provides one-to-one hyper-individualization for audience engagement, no matter if a customer wants a simple Q&A box, a text-based chatbot, or even a phone conversation with a human-like AI voice. Thanks to AI and GPT, endless day-to-day inefficiencies like waiting on hold, scouring the web for FAQs, or navigating glitchy, convoluted website support pages will become a thing of the past. Not only customers\u2014but really, all of us\u2014will be able to move through our days and our lives faster, easier and more informed than ever. I truly believe that if we power our most visionary solutions with AI, we will see unprecedented advances in our personal lives, our businesses, our economies, and our world.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

GPT Made This for Me: Wedding Speeches<\/h2>\r\n

GPT is a phenomenal source of inspiration for both my work and personal writing. Recently, I used GPT to write a wedding speech: I gave it prompts based on very specific memories or personality traits of the people that I wanted to call out. Then, I iterated on what it sent back to me to make the text shorter, longer, and funnier. While the final speeches looked pretty different from the original GPT drafts, the technology helped inspire me to write more meaningful and personal speeches. Now that GPT is available to everyone, I think writer\u2019s block will become a thing of the past.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

The Single Best Thing I\u2019ve Listened to About AI<\/h2>\r\n

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway<\/a><\/span> <\/i>has a fantastic episode with Mustafa Suleyman, the CEO and co-founder of Inflection AI, called The Proliferation of AI & the Next Wave of Technology<\/span><\/a>.<\/span> In the episode, they do a wonderful job explaining the power of AI and the positive impact it can have while also addressing the risks still associated with it if it is not managed properly.<\/p>","post_title":"#4: AI Made Me Do It \u2014 AI Doesn't Make You Special","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"4-ai-made-me-do-it-ai-doesnt-make-you-special","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2024-01-09 13:18:47","post_modified_gmt":"2024-01-09 18:18:47","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/?p=111076","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":110952,"post_author":"383","post_date":"2023-11-17 08:00:42","post_date_gmt":"2023-11-17 13:00:42","post_content":"

A monthly take on what\u2019s new in AI \u2014 personal stories, opinions, and inspiration from Drift\u2019s leadership team. This edition is written by Drift\u2019s Chief People Officer, Diana Brunelle.\u00a0<\/i><\/p>\r\n\r\n

What\u2019s On My AI-Mind<\/h2>\r\n

AI tools have the power to help us build better workplaces. <\/b>Working in HR is like tending a garden: we have to think about creating the air, sunlight, and space for people to feel fulfilled and engaged at work. The goal is for our employees to feel inspired and empowered in their current roles as well as in their professional development. This part of my job is more exciting than ever because AI and GPT tools introduce innovative ways to approach HR challenges and <\/i>enable us to provide our entire organization with new learning opportunities and resources. From accelerating the recruitment process to charting fulfilling career paths to powering individualized wellness tools, AI and GPT technology can help HR teams build more meaningful, insightful, and engaging workplaces.<\/p>\r\n

AI gives us more time for creativity. <\/b>Integrating AI and GPT tools in the workplace can spark creativity across all levels of an organization and ignite new opportunities for innovative strategies, problem-solving, ideas, and solutions. <\/b>We have used AI to accelerate tasks that eat up employee time and energy\u2014especially around data synthesis or collection, project management, and research. AI can empower people to focus on the uniquely human elements of their jobs.<\/p>\r\n

Guardrails enable safe experimentation. <\/b>We\u2019re still in the early days of AI, which means that with the new realms of opportunity come new realms of risk. HR teams need to find a balance between providing ample space for their teams to experiment with AI and GPT\u2014and safeguarding against known risks (like data vulnerabilities and AI biases)... plus the risks we aren\u2019t even aware of yet.<\/p>\r\n

Earlier this year, Drift drafted a generative AI policy that\u2019s designed to evolve alongside these new technologies and always keep humans in the loop. By keeping our guardrails flexible and <\/i>strong, we help ensure expectations and norms around AI are clear, define the risks as we know them today, and importantly, invite further discussion about how our team can best leverage these tools. AI and GPT will transform so much of our world\u2014at this early stage, it\u2019s vital we set the foundation for safe adoption and use.<\/p>\r\n

AI can help your employees work smarter, grow faster, and be more engaged. <\/b>Tedious tasks often achieve uninspired results. AI takes care of the mundane stuff, leaving endless room for exciting, transformative ideation. AI and GPT tools have provided HR teams with an unprecedented opportunity to design streamlined workflows centered around the most meaningful elements of their company\u2019s work. If employees are empowered to focus on the most interesting parts of their jobs, it\u2019ll have a ripple effect across the entire organization: projects will be more thoughtful and creative, careers will evolve in exciting ways, and the workplace will be a place of invigorating and ambitious engagement.<\/p>\r\n

Engaging with AI and GPT tools allows employees to develop skills that are increasingly relevant and career-enhancing, and it supports Drift's leadership principle of being a curious learning machine.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

GPT Made This for Me: Brainstorms, Guidance\u2026 Even a Trip Itinerary<\/h2>\r\n

ChatGPT is my go-to AI tool. I think of it as a catch-all when I\u2019m first approaching a complex problem because it can pull together a wide range of ideas that often lead me down the right path. In a world of endless possibilities, you just don't know what you don't know, but by using AI and GPT tools, I can quickly identify the broad strokes of an idea, so I don\u2019t miss anything.<\/p>\r\n

I\u2019ve used it to brainstorm about sales compensation, the employee lifecycle, and even to build an itinerary for a trip to Charleston.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

The Single Best Thing I\u2019ve Listened to About AI<\/h2>\r\n

The Marketing AI Show<\/i><\/a><\/span> from Paul Reotzer and the Marketing AI Institute has a phenomenal episode on AI\u2019s impact on education and the job market<\/span><\/a>. People are afraid that AI will harm education and take away all our jobs, but what the episode explains so well is that AI is a tool, and historically, new tools improve education and improve the workplace. I truly believe that by automating a lot of the tedium, AI will help make all of our lives more productive and fulfilling.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Want to learn more about the intersection of humanS and AI? Register to attend<\/span> Drift\u2019s all-new virtual event, Converge<\/a>, happening on December 5-6.<\/h3>","post_title":"#3: AI Made Me Do It \u2014 The Newest Tool in HR's Garden","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"3-ai-made-me-do-it-the-newest-tool-in-hrs-garden","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2023-11-16 18:50:32","post_modified_gmt":"2023-11-16 23:50:32","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"https:\/\/www.drift.com\/?p=110952","menu_order":0,"post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"},{"ID":110700,"post_author":"381","post_date":"2023-10-18 08:00:19","post_date_gmt":"2023-10-18 12:00:19","post_content":"

A monthly take on what\u2019s new in AI \u2014 personal stories, opinions, and inspiration from Drift\u2019s leadership team. This edition is written by Drift's SVP of Product, Matt Tippets.<\/i><\/p>\r\n\r\n

What\u2019s On My AI-Mind<\/h2>\r\n

The intelligence revolution is well underway. <\/b>Self-driving cars and robot assistants were once considered sci-fi fantasies of the future. Now, thanks to AI, they\u2019re here and only getting better every day. The best part is you don\u2019t need a computer science degree or decades of experience to use the technology \u2014 it\u2019s available for everyone, right now. AI and GPT allow us to make our lives more efficient in big and small ways. And in many cases, we don\u2019t even think about it much anymore. From Siri to smart thermostats to ChatGPT, AI can help all of us move through our days more smoothly than ever before. While the excitement around generative AI has opened up more opportunities \u2014 and concerns \u2014 we\u2019ve all become accustomed to the support and benefits of AI solutions and products.<\/p>\r\n

Strong AI meets users where they are with what they need. <\/b>What makes AI and GPT technology so unique is its ability to understand and contextualize what every individual user cares about and needs. Instead of foraging through search engines or Reddit posts for information, users can type a question into a GPT chatbot and receive a precise answer. AI is enabling one-to-one conversations in a way that technology has never done before, ushering in a new era of truly individualized communication and support.<\/p>\r\n

Individualization is the new personalization. <\/b>Personalization has meant \u201cDear Matt\u201d at the top of a brand email instead of \u201cDear customer.\u201d It has meant sending me an email with stores close to my house instead of a generic list of locations or changing the background of a website to my favorite color. These elements of personalization were once revolutionary, but today\u2019s buyers barely bat an eye at them. Now, it\u2019s time to take that personalization to the next level by clearly recognizing not only who the buyer is by name, but understanding what they\u2019re looking for and how you can help \u2014 and that\u2019s where AI comes in.<\/p>\r\nAI and GPT will change decision-making forever. <\/b>When data was only stored in our minds, our decisions were necessarily instinctual and informed only by our experiences and relationships. Data then made its way onto the printed page and then the digital page and decision-making became more informed, more reliable. Now, data might as well be infinite\u2026 there\u2019s too much for us to process on our own to make the best decisions. Consider Google Maps \u2014 a mundane but intelligent app \u2014 and how it helps us make decisions. It processes every reasonable route, evaluates traffic, fuel economy, and more to make a recommendation. And we (usually) trust it. As trust increases in AI, we\u2019ll find friction removed from a variety of decision-making processes whether it\u2019s which route to take to work or how to create an individualized experience for every prospect and customer.\r\n

GPT Made This for Me: Task Efficiency<\/h2>\r\n

As someone who builds conversational products for a living, GPT has become a great assistant in helping me experiment at scale. For example, this morning, I needed to test the effectiveness of a chatbot we wanted to launch on our site. Instead of sitting at my computer, trying to think of different ways to ask the same question \u2014 or other related questions, I typed in the questions to GPT to see what questions it could come up with. Then, I was able to copy and paste those questions into the bot and do a full round of testing in a matter of minutes. By saving time in the testing phase, my product team and I are able to iterate and build even faster.<\/p>\r\n

The Single Best Thing I\u2019ve Read About AI:<\/strong> Nielsen\u2019s new study Information Foraging with Generative AI: A Study of 3 Chatbots<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/p>\r\n\r\n

In case you missed it, Scott Ernst and I talked all about our AI-envisioned future state at Drift during our 2023 keynote. 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